5,340 Results (Page 258 of 445)

Shadya Kawai Name's New Inspirational Guide Promotes Positivity, Acceptance, and Happiness
Nov 19, 2013
After spending years as a negative, over-controlling person, Colombian-Lebanese psychologist Shadya Karawi Name realized the key to a happy life(...)
Author Series Seeks to Humanize Arab Americans
Nov 18, 2013
Terrorism and political strife often dominate discussions about the Middle East these days, but Raeshma Razvi, director of the arts(...)
Middle Tennessee State University Speech Addresses Arab-American Struggles
Nov 17, 2013
A visiting lecturer who discussed the struggles of being an Arab-American in a post-9/11 world was met with student support(...)
Dearborn’s Arab-Americans Break Two Barriers
Nov 16, 2013
Two historic elections happened on Tuesday, but if you are not from Michigan, you might have missed them. In(...)
Dearborn's Arab Americans: The Promise of the City's Future
Nov 14, 2013
For those of us who've worked with Dearborn Michigan's Arab American community during the past three decades, victories in this(...)
Transforming Our Vision of Palestine Into Reality
Nov 13, 2013
Can we envision a Palestine free from Israeli apartheid, military occupation, economic domination, house demolitions, arbitrary detentions - and from(...)
Civil Rights Advocacy Group Says Banks Closed More Accounts of Muslims
Nov 12, 2013
The Council on American-Islamic Relations–Michigan is asking federal officials to investigate more complaints that JPMorgan Chase is allegedly closing bank(...)
ADC Michigan Launches 15th Anniversary Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Essay Contest
Nov 12, 2013
ADC Michigan is pleased to announce that its 15th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration and Scholarship Reception will be(...)
In California, A High School That Cheers A-R-A-B-S
Nov 12, 2013
Last week, Coachella Valley High School came under fire for the name of its mascot — the Arab. The American-Arab(...)
Congressional Members Request Judiciary Committee Hearing on Alex Odeh Murder
Nov 11, 2013
Just recently, key members of Congress took action to obtain justice for Alex Odeh, by petitioning the House Judiciary Committee(...)
Coming Home to Detroit: What it Means to the Stars of Detroit Unleaded
Nov 10, 2013
The movie, Detroit Unleaded, set and filmed in Detroit, has its Red Carpet Premiere next week at the Detroit Institute(...)
Female Staff Quits Arab-American Civil Rights Group in Protest Over Sexual Harassment
Nov 9, 2013
All of the women who worked in the national office of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) resigned this week in(...)5,340 Results (Page 258 of 445)