5,340 Results (Page 207 of 445)

Wind of Change in Israel
Oct 13, 2014
There are exciting voices in Israel today - Mizrahi (Eastern Jewish) voices that are celebrating their Arab origins and looking(...)
300 Masterpieces of Art Make Grand Entrance in the Middle East at the Highly Anticipated Louvre Abu Dhabi
Oct 13, 2014
Masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci and Vincent van Gogh will be among 300 works displayed at the Louvre Abu Dhabi,(...)
Arab American and Chaldean Council Relocartes Headquarters in Troy
Oct 13, 2014
The Arab American and Chaldean Council (ACC), a premier nonprofit human service organization serving southeast Michigan, announced it has relocated(...)
New Saudi Commerce Website Launches
Oct 13, 2014 has launched as your Saudi friendly marketplace where buyers and sellers meet to exchange products. The main goal of(...)
Conflict Kitchen's Palestinian Focus Criticized as One-Sided
Oct 12, 2014
Conflict Kitchen in Oakland’s Schenley Plaza debuted its rotation of Palestinian dishes Monday. By noon, more than 30 customers stood(...)
Arab Americans Go Online for Marital Matchups
Oct 11, 2014
When Arab American Hania Masri (not her real name, which I’ll explain later) wanted to meet and settle down with(...)
Bill Maher Isn’t the Only One Who Misunderstands Religion
Oct 10, 2014
Bill Maher's recent rant against Islam has set off a fierce debate about the problem of religious violence, particularly when(...)
Book Release: “From the Heart – A Journey of Love” by Hadel S. Ma’ayeh
Oct 10, 2014
Jordanian-American author and Huffington Post Passionista, Hadel S. Ma’ayeh is entrancing readers with her new book FROM THE HEART –(...)
The Diversity of Islam
Oct 10, 2014
A few days ago, I was on a panel on Bill Maher’s television show on HBO that became a religious(...)
Kansas City Grocery Store Provides A Piece Of Home To Middle Eastern Community
Oct 10, 2014
As the crisis in Syria and the Middle East persists, local grocer Ahmad Alhabashi works to make his store a(...)
Arab Bishops Back Use of ‘Proportionate Force’ to Protect Minorities
Oct 10, 2014
The Conference of Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions has issued a statement in support of the international community’s use(...)
AUB Establishes Sawwaf Comics Initiative for the Study and Promotion of Arabic Comics
Oct 10, 2014
Comics strips have arrived at the American University of Beirut, thanks to the Mu’taz and Rada Sawwaf Arabic Comics Initiative,(...)5,340 Results (Page 207 of 445)