5,340 Results (Page 177 of 445)

In the West Bank, even non-violent protests can end in death
Dec 11, 2014
The death of Palestinian minister Ziad Abu Ein spotlights another tradition of Palestinian struggle -- "non-violent" protest marchesSource:
Morocco: Kerry At Middle East Commercial Center
Dec 11, 2014
Modesto woman’s documentary about Assyrian refugees in Iraq goes viral
Dec 9, 2014
A Modesto woman’s short documentary about Assyrian refugees in Iraq has been viewed about 90,000 times since being posted online(...)
A point by point response to Alan Dershowitz’s 'Ten Reasons Why The BDS Movement Is Immoral'
Dec 9, 2014
A point by point response to Alan Dershowitz’s ‘Ten Reasons Why The BDS Movement Is Immoral’Source:
The Israel of your dreams has turned into a nightmare: A letter to Jewish students
Dec 9, 2014
The Israel of your dreams has turned into a nightmare: A letter to Jewish studentsSource:
Jerusalem - pictured in 1870 - is one of the oldest cities of the world - BBC News
Dec 9, 2014
A chronology of key events in the history of the Palestinian territoriesSource:
Palestinian Rights Activist Exposes UN Duplicity At Relief and Works Agency - New York Sun
Dec 9, 2014
The scam perpetrated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency ever since 1949 has finally been exposed.Source:
The U.S. Seeks the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Dec 8, 2014
MATT PEPPEWhen Condoleeza Rice argued for a U.S. invasion of Iraq by claiming that “we don’t want the smoking gun(...)
Every Morning, This Stunning Mosque Is Illuminated With All Of The Colors Of The Rainbow
Dec 8, 2014
When someone brings up historical architecture, we picture beautiful arches, towering spires, sculptures and stone walls, but most of us(...)
150 Street Artists From 30 Countries Turn Old Tunisian Village Into Outdoor Art Gallery
Dec 8, 2014
Er-Riadh, a small village off of the beaten tourist path on the island of Djerba in Tunisia, was paid a(...)5,340 Results (Page 177 of 445)