5,340 Results (Page 170 of 445)

Exclusive: Mohammed Assaf in the greatest interview with Al Bawaba!
Jan 17, 2015
Exclusive: Mohammed Assaf in the greatest interview with Al Bawaba!Source:
Egyptian President Sisi's Religious Revolution Appears To Be On Hold
Jan 17, 2015
At the beginning of year, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a "religious revolution" within Islamic thinking. He asked,(...)
Middle East Turns Back Clock as Remnants of Old Regimes Rise Again
Jan 17, 2015
Four years after the Arab Spring began, the new Middle East looks more and more like the old one—but worse.Source:(...)
U.N. Says Meeting Is Set on Middle East
Jan 16, 2015
The United States, the European Union, Russia and the United Nations will convene to seek a resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace(...)
Swedish FM says Israel irritating allies over Palestine recognition
Jan 16, 2015
"Israel has been extremely aggressive," says FM Wallstrom.Source:
On CNN, Boteach lectures two prominent Muslims about freedom they 'enjoy' in US and Israel
Jan 16, 2015
Shades of Selma: Shmuley Boteach tells two Muslim writers on CNN that they have no right to complain about their(...)
Three Egyptian Authors Up for Arabic Fiction Prize
Jan 16, 2015
The 2015 International Prize for Arabic Fiction has announced its longlist of competing novels and Egypt tops it with three(...)
Arab League backs Palestinian plan to resubmit UN bid
Jan 16, 2015
Arab ministers voice support for Palestinian efforts to join international conventions and treaties, including the ICC.Source:
Arab cartoonists pen their response to Charlie Hebdo affair
Jan 16, 2015
Leading caricaturists across the Middle East question the meaning of free speech while attacking Israel and Arab leadersSource:
Duke University Professor to Give Talk about Feminism in Islam
Jan 16, 2015
miriam cooke (sic), the Braxton Craven Professor of Arab Cultures and director of the Middle East Studies Center at Duke(...)
Hollande Vows to Protect All Faiths; Muslims Protest Hebdo Reprinting
Jan 16, 2015
French President Francois Hollande promises his country will protect all religions, and says Muslims are the main victims of fanaticism.(...)5,340 Results (Page 170 of 445)