5,340 Results (Page 122 of 445)

Father of slain UNC students speaks
Feb 14, 2015
The father of two of the UNC students murdered this week speaks to Rev. Al Sharpton about the investigation and(...)
What Chapel Hill Means for Muslim-Americans
Feb 14, 2015
What Chapel Hill means for Muslim-Americans Muslim Americans are now the Other Americans just as Italians, Irish and Japanese before(...)
Arab & Arab American Feminisms: Gender, Violence, & Belonging (Gender, Culture, and Politics in the Middle East)
Feb 14, 2015
Arab & Arab American Feminisms: Gender, Violence, & Belonging (Gender, Culture, and Politics in the Middle East) Offer(...)
Supporters Gather At Wayne State To Mourn, Remember Victims Of Chapel Hill Shooting
Feb 14, 2015
On Tuesday, University of North Carolina student Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister, Razan Abu-Salha,(...)
Warren supporters can't talk about Palestine
Feb 14, 2015
“Run Liz Run,” by Reeves Wiedeman in The New Yorker, reports on a New York party with a lot of(...)
Half a year after devastating war, life in Gaza seems worse than ever.
Feb 14, 2015
In almost every way, the Gaza Strip is much worse off now than before last summer’s war between Israel and(...)
Obama's tepid, belated condemnation of Chapel Hill murders does little to ease fears
Feb 14, 2015
US President Barack Obama finally issued a condemnation and condolences regarding the brutal execution-stye murders of three young American Muslims(...)
Dearborn police probe alleged assault on Muslim man at Kroger
Feb 14, 2015
Dearborn Police said today they are investigating an alleged bias assault by two white men against an Arab-American Muslim(...)
Do Nations Express Themselves In Their Foods?
Feb 14, 2015
DO NATIONS EXPRESS THEMSELVES IN THEIR FOODS? Habeeb Salloum DO nations express themselves in their foods? It is a questi(...)
Will Muslims ever be part and parcel of America?
Feb 13, 2015
As Muslim-Americans, we constantly reassure ourselves. Get an education. Excel in your fields. Be that Muslim you wish the media(...)
Obama: Chapel Hill Murders 'Brutal And Outrageous'
Feb 13, 2015
President Barack Obama released a statement Friday on the shooting of three members of a Muslim family in North Carolina.(...)
The Chapel Hill Massacre Blues
Feb 13, 2015
Have you seen that vigilante man?Have you seen that vigilante man?Have you seen that vigilante man?I been hearin’ his name(...)5,340 Results (Page 122 of 445)