5,340 Results (Page 115 of 445)

Middle East Beats: Yousra El Gendy
Feb 19, 2015
Yousra El Gendy is far from being the typical glamorous Egyptian singer musing about Prince Charming and performing the occasional(...)
Middle East Beats: Mashrou'Leila
Feb 19, 2015
Mashrou'Leila is arguably the most ground-breaking band in the Middle East at the moment, shaking up a once conservative music(...)
Wide Range of Diplomatic Moves to Save Palestinian Authority
Feb 19, 2015
Senior sources inside the presidential headquarters in Ramallah revealed on Tuesday a "wide range" of diplomatic moves aimed at saving(...)
Jordan leads the Arab world in the fight against extremists
Feb 19, 2015
One of the weaknesses of the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State is that America isn’t trusted as a messenger(...)
President Obama: Anti-Muslim bigotry has no place in US
Feb 19, 2015
Rachel Maddow talks to Linda Sarsour, National Advocacy Director at the National Network for Arab American Communities, about the discussion(...)
Who are the millionaires behind the Islamophobic industry in America?
Feb 19, 2015
The Chapel Hill murders must be seen as a tipping point and opportunity to examine and confront the forces that(...)
Countering Violent Extremism Summit: President Obama's Remarks
Feb 19, 2015
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release February 18, 2015 CLOSING REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT(...)
#CopticLivesMatter Mourns 21 Christians ISIS Killed In Libya
Feb 18, 2015
Shocked by the mass killing, world leaders and religious figures have expressed their solidarity with Copts, already a persecuted minority(...)
Tricky times ahead for US-Israel ties
Feb 18, 2015
All eyes are now focused on the upcoming fortnight, awaiting the much-promised address to the joint-session of the US Congress(...)
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder issues executive order establishing the Middle-Eastern American Affairs Commission
Feb 18, 2015
Gov. Rick Snyder today signed two executive orders supporting Michigan’s minority communities. Executive order 2015-6, establishes the Middle-Eastern(...)
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation : Join National Call-In Day to #SkipTheSpeech
Feb 18, 2015
Arab America and the University of the District of Columbia Commemorate the Struggle for Justice in the African American and Arab American Communities
Feb 18, 2015
Arab America in collaboration with the University of the District of Columbia are proud to present, “From Ferguson to Chapel Hill: Together We(...)5,340 Results (Page 115 of 445)