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Arabic 101
Arabic Word of the Day
Shami and Levantine Dialect

Arab Trivia
Yogurt Yogurt can be traced back eight thousand years and is believed to have been discovered by accident by the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula.
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Whenever Arab Americans face discrimination, the American Arab-Anti-Discrimination Committee's (ADC) Legal Department is there to provide advice and referrals. ADC has a cadre of full time staff attorneys ready to help defend the interests of the community, one person at a time. Our staff attorneys have helped hundreds of people defend themselves against a wide variety of abuses, and been instrumental in many important legal victories in the fight for civil rights and against discrimination. ADC's Education Department works with schools, teachers and Arab-American parents across the country to combat discrimination and tensions in school and ensure that the curriculum does not perpetuate stereotypes or misinformation about the Arab world or Islam. ADC also serves as a vital clearing house of accurate information on Arab culture and history for educators and school systems.