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Arab Trivia
Yogurt Yogurt can be traced back eight thousand years and is believed to have been discovered by accident by the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula.
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Go topOrganizations
The Melkite Ambassadors is an organization open to those in the Melkite Community, ages 25-40, who want to participate in advocacy, catechesis mentorship, community life, community service, leadership development, and prayer.
The Melkite Ambassadors’ mission is to acquire a deeper Christian faith in order to reinforce and improve all aspects of our parish and the Melkite Church
The Melkite Ambassadors serve to reinforce and improve all aspects of their parish and Melkite Church, such as serving as mentors and positive role models to those inMAYA and NAMY. The Melkite Ambassadors show the importance of developing a deeper relationship with Christ and the Melkite Catholic community and increasing their knowledge of the Christian faith. The Melkite Ambassadors provide input to the Bishop on how best to keep continued interest in the future of our Church.
Members meet at least twice each year, at a weekend retreat and at the Melkite national convention, to pray, plan and discuss those life changing events and challenges in which they may need support.
To become a Melkite Ambassador and receive updates on upcoming events, please visit our Facebook page.
National Arab American Women’s Association
Passion and Action for: Self Empowerment, Individual Freedom, Human Dignity, Community Outreach, and Cultural Investment.
HCEF Vision StatementWe envision a world where:
Americans and others understand the plight of Arab Christians in the Holy Land.
The Christian identity of where Christians live (for example, Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Jerusalem) is healthy and recognized.
There are strong bonds of solidarity between Arab Christians in the Holy Land and elsewhere.
All Palestinian Arab Christians in the Holy Land are free to practice their faith.
All Palestinian Arab Christians in the Holy Land have adequate housing and economic opportunities.
Palestinian Arab Christians are no longer forced to emigrate from the Holy Land.
Palestinian Arab Christians are empowered to
Determine the contours of their own present and future.
Join their Palestinian brothers and sisters in preserving heritage, building civic society, and promoting investments.
Be the natural bridge for peace among Jews, Muslims, and Christians.
HCEF Mission Statement
HCEF is committed to the continued presence, empowerment, and well-being of Arab Christians in the Holy Land and to developing the bonds of solidarity between them and Christians elsewhere.
HCEF Core Values
Our mission and core values underpin everything we do. When we are designing programs, putting together a conference, disseminating news from the Holy Land or from parishes around the U.S. and elsewhere, we look at whether we are living these values well. These core values give our programs the roots they need to sustain the work when challenges arise. So, HCEF is:
From the very beginning, HCEF was an ecumenical organization. There are multiple Christian denominations in the Holy Land, and our programs aim at supporting all of them. We encourage Palestinian Christians to be ecumenical in their outreach to Christians around the world, and we encourage HCEF’s supporters to be ecumenical in their support and prayers as well. Because the Christian population of the Holy Land comprises less than 2% of the population, it is important that they build their support for one another on the Christian faith that they have in common.
Based on Christian Faith
It is a core belief of Christians that we are one mystical Body in Christ. We want all of our work to reflect that unity and to demonstrate that if any part of the body suffers, we all suffer. By the same belief, we also demonstrate that when one part of the body rejoices, we all rejoice.
Dedicated to Peace and Justice
We firmly believe that a just peace in the Holy Land is the only long-term solution to the tough living conditions that have brought almost all of the Christians to emigrate. We encourage the work of those who help to bridge the distance between the political factions that exacerbate the situation in the Holy Land.
Each person at HCEF seeks to be a servant leader following the example of Jesus Christ. We serve both the Christians in the Holy Land and our amazingly generous supporters around the world. We want each person who interacts with us to feel that we have given them our full attention, and we want each of our programs to reflect the importance of people-to-people connections.
We want our work to be transparent. We want people to understand how we build relationships between Holy Land Christians and how each of our programs operates. We want HCEF supporters to connect in personal ways with the Christians whom they support in the Holy Land.
HCEF Goals
HCEF lives its mission and core values by witnessing the teaching of our Savior Jesus Christ.
• We educate people around the world about the presence of Arab Christians in the Holy Land and remind them of their moral, practical, and spiritual obligation to the Mother Church.
• We build community between Christians throughout the world and Arab Christians of the Holy Land through communication, publications, pilgrimages, and joint endeavors.
• We develop bonds of solidarity through church-to-church, family-to-family, and person-to-person partnership programs in order to bring Christians together in community for future cooperation.
• We promote peace, justice, interfaith dialogue, and reconciliation in the Holy Land by removing the causes of suffering and replacing despair with hope, fear with human security, and humiliation with dignity.
• We undertake specific projects designed to empower Arab Christians and advance better living conditions in the Holy Land. Projects focus on creating economic opportunities, advancing education, building and renovating houses, and developing the healthy growth of children.
“Let us work together to replace despair with HOPE, fear with HUMAN SECURITY, and humiliation with DIGNITY”