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Arabic 101
Arabic Word of the Day
Shami and Levantine Dialect

Arab Trivia
Bread Arabic bread is typically flat, round, hollow, and unleavened, but it is the forerunner of loaf-style breads eaten in Europe and in America
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The purpose of Al-Sahafa Newspaper is to provide a bridge of communication and a spectrum of information for the direct benefit of the Arab American community in Ohio. Al-Sahafa seeks to improve cooperation and communication among its community members and leaders, as well as promotion of and assistance to public officials to ensure the proper representation of Arab American issues and concerns. The key for a unified, effective, and significant platform is organization. The Al-Sahafa publication
Circ.: 150,000 Price: Free Subscription: $30.00/year Description: It provides readers with a monthly scope of Arab-American events and planned activities; it features interviews of successful local business people, an Entertainment Page (packed with the latest fashion insights, monthly horoscope, movie reviews, and Arab star gossip), as well as guides readers through an Arab Food Guide Menu. Al-Sahafa contains a broad range of topics (something for everyone to enjoy). Date Established: 2001
Circ.: 20,000 Price: Subscription: $20.00/year Description: Al-Talib, which means _the student,