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Arabic 101
Arabic Word of the Day
Shami and Levantine Dialect

Arab Trivia
Bread Arabic bread is typically flat, round, hollow, and unleavened, but it is the forerunner of loaf-style breads eaten in Europe and in America
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The Arab American Action Network (AAAN) strives to strengthen the Arab community in the Chicago area by building its capacity to be an active agent for positive social change. As a grassroots nonprofit, our strategies include community organizing, advocacy, education, providing social services, leadership development, cultural outreach and forging productive relationships with other communities. Our vision is for a strong Arab American community whose members have the power to make decisions about actions and policies that affect their lives and have access to a range of social, political, cultural and economic opportunities in a context of equity and social justice.
Circ.: 5,000 Price: $2.95 Subscription: $35.00/year Description: The News Circle/Arab-American Affairs magazine is the oldest Arab-American independent magazine specializing in Arab-American affairs. It was founded in Los Angeles, in June, 1972. The content includes: news, views, editorials, commentaries, features, profiles, opinion forum, Arab- US business, trade events, politics, Arabic culture and arts, Arab-American society and a calendar of major national events, news analysis, biographies, press/media/books, advertising and other topics of interest to Arab-American affairs. Date Established: 1972