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Bread Arabic bread is typically flat, round, hollow, and unleavened, but it is the forerunner of loaf-style breads eaten in Europe and in America
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Islamic Information Center (IIC) is a non-profit organization that was established in the year 2002 by a group of concerned professionals from all walks of American life under the leadership of eminent Scholar and Imam of Jaferia Center, Imam Syed Naqvi. The organization functions under the Chairmanship of Imam Naqvi with four permanent Directors and seven elected Directors; President, Secretary and Accountant are elected from among the Directors. The accounts are audited and presented to the members at yearly meetings. After the events of 9/11, Islam has received intense scrutiny throughout the world and especially in America. There is a great demand and interest in understanding and acquiring knowledge about Islam. To this effect, seminars discussions and workshops are being and a number of books have been published on Islam, but most of them are based on some pre-conceived agendas. Therefore, there was a very vital need to establish an Islamic Information Center to provide and disseminate information about Islam as defined by the Prophet of Islam (Peace Be Upon Him), the teachings of Holy Quran as interpreted by the Holy Progeny (Peace Be Upon Them) of the Holy Prophet. At IIC we believe that the "Islamic" future of America is subject to change by the leadership of the Muslims in America. It is dedicated to integrating Muslims both spiritually and politically into the American mainstream. Integration into the pluralist American society requires Muslims to gain a place in American culture to and politics so the wisdom of Islam can affect important moral aspects. To accomplish this IIC has focused on three main areas of American society: Political: This country has a wide variety of public officials, and at every level of the government, these officials are expected to interact with and serve the public. The first task IIC should accomplish is to determine which, if any of these officials, may be friendly or positive towards Islam and try to work with them on projects of mutual interest. Media: To attempt to improve the image of Islam in the media, the goals are simple. Identify local, national and international newspapers, and invite them to attend IIC events and programs. Also we strive to pursue relationships with television news stations. IIC