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Arabic 101
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Shami and Levantine Dialect

Arab Trivia
Bread Arabic bread is typically flat, round, hollow, and unleavened, but it is the forerunner of loaf-style breads eaten in Europe and in America
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An Islamic community made up of Muslims from 23 different countries that was first established in the city of Toledo in the 1930's. It is dedicated to serve for the betterment of the Muslim community and the establishment of strong ties with the community at large. Friday Prayer (Salat-al-Jumaa) starts at 1:30 pm throughout the year. Weekend School every Sunday (Sept - May) starts at 11:30 am - 1:30 pm followed by Noon Prayer (Salat-al-Dhuhr). The mission of the Islamic Center of Greater Toledo is to; uphold the doctrine and principles of Islam; provide its members an environment conducive for Islamic education, cultural enhancement, and religious services; introduce Islam, its culture, and heritage to the community at large; and enter into dialogue with other faiths to promote interfaith understanding and accommodation The present Center is the culmination of the dreams and aspirations of the handful of Muslims who migrated to the Toledo area 75 years ago, and many others who followed their footprints. Today, more than 20 nationalities are represented in the Center. The Center in addition to fulfilling the religious and cultural needs of its members, provides an important bridge of understanding between its members and the community at large. In that, the scope and purpose of the Islamic Center goes well beyond the typical objectives of a religious organization.