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Shami and Levantine Dialect

Arab Trivia
Yogurt Yogurt can be traced back eight thousand years and is believed to have been discovered by accident by the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula.
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ATFP is a not-for-profit organization that advocates to the American people the national security interests of the United States in establishing a Palestinian state. Specifically, ATFP seeks to promote the awareness of the far-reaching benefits that Palestinian statehood will have for the United States in the following areas: Enhancing national security, as well as regional peace and stability; The proliferation of American values of freedom and democracy, through the creation of a democratic and constitutional state for the Palestinian people; The expansion of economic opportunities throughout the Arab & Islamic worlds, in an atmosphere of peace and cooperation. ATFP advocates the establishment of a democratic state of Palestine living in peace and security alongside Israel in the territories occupied in 1967 in accordance with international law and the relevant United Nations Resolutions. ATFP categorically and unequivocally condemns all violence directed against civilians no matter who the victims or perpetrators may be. ATFP believes that permanent peace in the Middle East, as well as world peace, can only be achieved by a historic compromise based on a two state solution, with a shared Jerusalem and a just solution for the refugee problem according to international law. This vision of peace has the support of the Untied States government, the United Nations, the European Community, each member of the Arab League and the majorities of the Palestinian and Israeli peoples. Nevertheless, despite overwhelming international support, the realization of this vision has yet to materialize in any meaningful way, with continued tragic consequences. It is the goal of ATFP to advance the implementation of the international consensus with alacrity and resolve. ATFP plans to fulfill this mission of peace by coordinating the efforts of Americans of Palestinian origin working, with their fellow Americans and others, across the spectrum of civic, educational, cultural, legal, economic and political fields.