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Big front-page NYT article on 'settlements' does not quote one single Palestinian

posted on: Mar 14, 2015

Today’s long look at the Israeli Jewish colonies in occupied West Bank Palestine, complete with huge photos and detailed maps, has room for quotations from 11 different people, ranging from Benjamin Netanyahu to Nitza Farkash, an employee at the Eli settlement.

But not one Palestinian is asked for his or her reaction. Not one.

The reporters, Jodi Rudoren and Jeremy Ashkenas, did at least briefly notice the people who live under Israeli military occupation and whose land is being seized.  One solitary sentence said that “. . . a  Palestinian man grazed a few cows and sheep on a grassy hillside, and scores of teenagers in white Islamic head scarfs walked home from school.” But the reporters did not stop to ask them any questions.

(This short description is a masterpiece of Orientalist haiku.  The Palestinians are only backward shepherds and young women in “Islamic head scarfs,” contrasted with the nearby “boomtown” Jewish settlement.)
