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Author Archives: Arab America

ADC Michigan 32nd Annual Benefit Gala

The ADC National Office would like to congratulate the staff, volunteers, and interns of ADC Michigan, led by Regional Director and Senior National Advisor, Imad Hamad, for an outstanding end of the year event, the ADC Michigan 32nd Annual Benefit Gala: ‘Telling Our Story. Writing Our Narrative.’ The event was held on Friday, December 7th … Continued

Arab-Owned Businesses Changing the Face of One Part of the Northeast

A MALAYSIAN WOMAN cooks falafel, South Asian Biryani and even cheesesteaks in a restaurant at Bustleton and Harbison Avenues, the crossroads for Arab businesses in Northeast Philadelphia. “We have a diversity of customers all over, from Uzbekistan, from China, from Vietnam – just all over,” said Moni Khan, who bought Al-Sham with her Bangladeshi husband … Continued

U.S.-Arab Chamber Supports ‘Day of Arab-Americans’ Celebration

The National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) this week supported the first ‘Day of Arab-Americans,’ a newly-created event organized by the Council of Arab Ambassadors in Washington DC and the League of Arab States to commemorate Arab immigrants to the United States. Hosted this year on December 4 at the National Geographic Society, the event … Continued

UN Palestinian Vote Heralds ‘Birth of New World Order’

November 2012 will be remembered as a turning point for the US, Israel and the Palestinians. The United Nations General Assembly on November, 29th vividly demonstrated the new emerging 21st Century global order, the limits of military might and the end of the last vestige of the colonial era. Without the help of a well-endowed … Continued

Aleppo: How Syria Is Being Destroyed

This year, Aleppo will produce no soap. The late-medieval souks in which craftsmen fashioned blocks of the famous olive oil and laurel savon d’Alepsuccumbed to a conflagration during battles at the end of September. The Jubayli family’s soap factory inside the Mamelukes’ thirteenth-century Qinnasrin Gate survived the inferno, but relentless combat has left it inaccessible … Continued

Arab-American Media Bring News to Diverse and Growing Community

At a time of major news devel­op­ments in the Middle East and North Africa, the Arab-American media’s efforts to meet the demands of its audience have been compli­cated by declining ad revenue, new tech­nology, and growing compe­tition from Arab outlets in the Middle East and North Africa, according to a new studyby the Pew Research … Continued

Palestine: State of Play

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Student Work on the Art of Arabic Calligraphy

For more than 1,400 years, calligraphy has been celebrated as one of the Middle East’s greatest art forms, says Duke Professor Muhammad Habib. This past Wednesday evening, Habib a 20 Duke undergraduates to this challenging tradition in a workshop. The workshop, co-sponsored by the Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) Department, Duke Islamic Studies Center … Continued

Local Arabs Call U.N. Ruling a Small Victory

Metro Detroit’s Arab Americans said a vote Thursday in the United Nations to elevate the status of the Palestinian territories is long-awaited recognition, but short of their ultimate goal. “It’s an overdue recognition that Palestinians have been deprived of,” said Imad Hamad, national senior adviser and regional director of the American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. The … Continued

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