E'rootha Summer Camp Leaders Wanted
E’rootha still needs a few more camp leaders for refugee kids this summer. The kids are 5-18 years old. The deadline to apply has already passed, so if interested, please apply online ASAP <a href=”http://erootha.org/refugee_ESL_Summer.html”>here</a>.
Camp leaders will be responsible for groups of 5-10 kids during various learning activities, games, sports and field trips.
Minimum commitment is:
-1 day per week
-June 20th – August 12th
-12:00-4:00pm each day.
Volunteers should be somewhere around the ages of 16-35, dependable, and have transportation to and from the Camp Location in Madison Heights.
If you have any questions e-mail <a href=”mailto:rannaabro@gmail.com”>Ranna Abro</a>.