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Sisters Course: Islamic Moral System 101

Sisters Course: Islamic Moral System 101


5:45 pm - 8:00 pm

Event Type


“There is no life more wholesome than that lived with a good nature.” -Imam Sadiq

One of the qualities that differentiates human beings from the animal world is our sense of morality, and the Prophet Muhammad (s) was sent to assist in bringing that trait to the highest level. Why does attaining moral excellence matter? And how do we achieve it? Do we strive for virtuous qualities, accumulate good actions, or both? This course offers an introduction to the Islamic moral system and examines the values that offer a code of decency to be applied in everyday life. Through lectures, class discussions, and activities, practical tips for self-development will be included in the fourfold classification of virtues: our relationship with Allah, ourselves, society, and the environment.

Instructor: Sr. Shahnaze Safieddine

Our target age is 16-30 [exceptions can be made].

This course beginning Friday, May 15th to Friday, June 12th every Thursday and Friday from 6:00-8:30PM.

Register at:

Registration Fee: $100 [covers course material & Room Rental]

For any questions, please feel free to contact us on or call us at 313.355.4428
