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North African Trade & Investment Mission

North African Trade & Investment Mission


All Day


Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, 20009

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The North African Trade & Investment Mission to the United States, the first such visit of its kind, includes high-level government officials and business executives from multiple sectors. The goals for the mission include:

  • Meeting American companies interested in trade and investment opportunities in North Africa;
  • Gaining insights into programs supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the United States;
  • Identifying partnership opportunities in the U.S. public and private sectors for North African businesses.
The North African Trade & Investment Mission is organized under the auspices of the Federation of Maghreb Chambers of Commerce and the leadership of the Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union, a regional organization comprised of the five North African countries of Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia. The Arab Maghreb Union works to establish cooperation and collaboration across countries and economic sectors.

Conference Format

8:00 am – Registration and Check In

9:00 am – Conference Begins

12:30 pm – Luncheon

2:00 pm – B2B Meetings

4:00 pm – Conference Ends