Steven Salaita: Palestine, Academic Freedom and Decolonizing the University

The dehiring of Steven Salaita from a tenured position is one of the most serious assaults on academic freedom in recent years. Steven Salaita is one of a number of prominent academics who have paid a huge price for Palestine advocacy and/or anti-colonial expression. He was hired to a tenured position to teach in the American Indian Studies program at University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign). He was denied this job in August 2014 on the basis of tweets during the Israeli assault on Gaza that summer, having left his previous job and uprooted his family.
Join us to hear Salaita discuss academic freedom & the struggle to decolonize the university in relation to his own scholarship on indigenous expression.
Organized by Faculty for Palestine
Co-sponsors: CAW-Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy (Ryerson), Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA), SAIA U of T
Apartheid, Anti-Racism Coalition (Ryerson)