San Francisco: Protest War Criminal Netanyahu’s Speech to Joint Session of Congress

Israeli prime minister and notorious war criminal Binyamin Netanyahu will be addressing a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, March 3. Netanyahu has presided over many massacres of Palestinians, the latest in Gaza last summer that killed more than 2,100 women, men and children, wounded more than 10,000, and left hundreds of thousands homeless. The massive theft of and settlement on Palestinian land in the West Bank continues every day. Much of this death, destruction and dispossession is paid for by our tax dollars, billions of which flow to Israel every year.
The invitation to Netanyahu – made by House Speaker John Boehner – is an outrage that should be protested and rejected by all people who stand for justice. Many organizations will be joining together in protest outside the Capitol Building in Washington DC on March 3.
An organizing meeting for a parallel protest here in San Francisco will be held on Tues., Feb. 10, 6:30 pm at the ANSWER Coalition office, 2969 Mission St.
While Netanyahu, Boehner and the Democrats opposing this particular trip all have their partisan motivations, there is a deeper and more sinister agenda behind the invitation, namely the intensifying campaign against Iran by powerful interests in U.S. ruling circles.
Boehner specifically invited the rabidly anti-Iranian Netanyahu to lecture Congress on the so-called “danger” from Iran and in support of imposing even tighter sanctions on that country. The aim is to derail the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, which are at a critical stage.
Iran has stated that additional sanctions would mean an end to the negotiating process. Such an outcome could well lead to a new U.S. or U.S.-Israeli war against Iran, something that Netanyahu as well as many in Washington clearly desire.
Join us on March 3 to say: No to War Criminal Netanyahu – No New War on Iran – End the Colonial Occupation of Palestine – End U.S. Aid to Israel!