"Gender Ideology in North Africa and the Middle East"

“Gender Ideology in North Africa and the Middle East”
Graduate Student Tamara van der Does, Department of Sociology and Department of Statistics, IUB
When: Monday, March 2 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm
*Lunch Provided
Where: CSME
1105 E Atwater, Bloomington, IN 47401
What: After completing a BA in Mathematics at Wheaton College,IL and working for a year with Americorps, I joined the IU Sociology department in the fall of 2011. My research interests include immigration, politics, gender, religion and statistical methods. I am currently working on a project looking at Muslim Americans and their political participation and one on gender ideology in North Africa and the Middle East. In the future, I am hoping to test the role of immigration policies on immigrants’ incorporation and welfare in North America and western Europe.