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'Great American Villain' Henry Kissinger Faces Citizen's Arrest Inside a Senate Hearing Room

posted on: Feb 1, 2015

“In an action that has already made headlines around the world, Code Pink  stole the show yesterday with an attempted citizen’s arrest of Henry Kissinger for War Crimes committed during his tenure as Secretary of State from 1973-1977.

As the 91 year old Kissinger took to his seat at the witness table alongside former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and George Shultz for a hearing by the Senate Armed Services Committee on global threats and national security strategy, chants of “Arrest Henry Kissinger for War Crimes, arrest Henry Kissinger for War Crimes, arrest Henry Kissinger for War Crimes” began pulsating throughout the chambers. Press hovered over the scene, and Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin began speaking for the voiceless, calling for the citizen’s arrest of Kissinger for war crimes:

In the name of the people of Chile

In the name of the people of Vietnam

In the name of the people of East Timor

In the name of the people of Cambodia

In the name of the people of Laos

Activists then read aloud a citizen’s arrest (text below). Senator John McCain, chairman of the Armed Services Committee (currently facing charges of being a “war monger” himself from critics in his own party) bent to the microphone and announced that in all his years on the committee he had “never seen anything as disgraceful, and outrageous, as despicable”.  Then he told Code Pink protestors to “get outta here” and called them “you low life scum.”
