Muslim Response to Charlie Hebdo: Understanding the Root Causes of Radicalization

In the wake of the shocking terrorist attack last week in Paris on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Muslims reacted almost unanimously to condemn these attacks, characterizing them as antithetical to the teachings of Islam. The French publication known for its satirical approach to many religion traditions, has in recent years focused increasingly, almost relentlessly, on satirical representations of the Prophet Mohamed. This forum is designed to go beyond condemnations and Islamophobic rhetoric to explore the religious, societal and geopolitical dynamics underlying recent events, moving beyond the superficial binary of Muslim radicals vs. free speech.
The Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (CSID) has assembled a panel of Muslim leaders and experts and to discuss the “Muslim response to Charlie Hebdo” and try to understand the root causes of radicalization.
Dr. Radwan Masmoudi
President of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy
Nihad Awad
Executive Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations
Dalia Mogahed
The Director of Research at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Imam Talib M. Shareef
President and Imam of the Nations Mosque
James Lesueur
Professor of History at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Dr. William Lawrence
Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy