Summer Intensive Arabic program @OSU

Summer Intensive Arabic program
Applications for the Summer 2015 Intensive Arabic Program are due April 13. Please contact the Department at if you have any questions or concerns.
The Department of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures offers an intensive Arabic language program, allowing both non-OSU students AND current OSU students the opportunity to complete either both first- and second-semester (1101 and 1102) or third- and fourth-semester (1103 and 2104) Arabic during the 7-week OSU summer term.
Curriculum & Content
The intensive format of the program allows students in graduate and professional programs the chance to complete two semesters’ worth of language training without interfering with their enrollment in seminars, allows students at other institutions access to OSU’s foreign language expertise, and offers OSU undergraduates a chance to more rapidly advance within the broader Arabic curriculum.
No previous Arabic language training or experience is required for enrollment in the elementary component of the Summer Intensive Program. Students with limited experience, and particularly students for whom sufficient time has lapsed since their previous experience, will be asked to enroll in the elementary Arabic component. Students wishing to enroll in the intermediate Arabic component must either have recently completed the ‘regular’ (full semester) Arabic 1102.01 or demonstrated their competence and ability to succeed with a placement exam.
Eligibility & Procedures
Participants must apply by 5:00 pm, Monday, April 13, 2015 (by way of an online application form, with attached 300-word personal statement) and be accepted to the program in order to enroll. Accepted students must formally enroll in both constituent course numbers for their chosen level (1101 and 1102 for elementary; 1103 and 2104 for intermediate), and will be responsible for all tuition and fees associated with their enrollment in those 8 credit hours.
Non-current OSU students must also apply for eligiblity to enroll in OSU courses through the OSU Extended Education program. More information, including eligiblity and application requirements and instructions, are available at
Accepted students will be provided with detailed enrollment instructions.
The Summer 2015 Intensive Arabic program will meet approximately four hours per day (8:00-12:00), Monday-Friday, starting Monday June 15th through Friday, July 31 (with a final examination on Monday, August 3).
The estimated total cost of enrollment (total tuition and fees) in 8 undergraduate-level credit hours for the Summer 2015 academic term will be $3,403.60 for Ohio residents and $8,903.60 for non-residents. More details are available on the official OSU Registrar’s Fee Table for the 2014/15 academic year. Room and board will be participants’ responsibility.